Solve The Problems of Malwarebytes not Opening on Windows

Malwarebytes has a large and powerful database of antivirus scanners. Because of its speed and ability to detect malware that other scanners can't, it has gained popularity. But there are a number of problems with Malwarebytes, such as malwarebytes won't start windows 10. Sometimes it won't launch in Windows.


There are many useful ways that consumers' experience can help to fix Malwarebytes problems in Windows. These problems can be found in the next article. To solve them, you will need to follow the instructions provided.


Malwarebytes doesn't open in Windows - Reasons.


Malwarebytes could not open on your computer due to a number of reasons. Malwarebytes won't Start Windows 10 may not start for a variety of reasons. It is important that you take action immediately. Take a moment to review the possible reasons and then decide which one suits you best.


Malicious Software Virus


If you have infected your PC with malicious software, it may have prevented the executable mbam.exe from running. Malwarebytes cannot be opened due to malware. This can be solved by renaming the executable mbam.exe.


User Accounts that are damaged


You can make your Windows operating system very unreliable if you use damaged or faulty user accounts. Malwarebytes is one example of a program that can be stopped by corrupt user profiles. In these cases, you should switch to another user account.


Malwarebytes Does Not Open on Windows


Step 1 - Edit the Executable


Malicious files can prevent you from running different antivirus tools from opening executables with the exact same names. Malwarebytes won't open on Windows if there is a malware problem.

To fix the problem, for now, you might try renaming Malwarebytes executable.

Measure 1: Right-click the Malwarebytes shortcut at the desktop or elsewhere and select the Open File option. To find the settings folder for the tool, you can use the menu.

Measure 2: Search for the mbam.exe executable file in Malwarebytes Installation Folder, right-click on it and choose Rename option.

Measure 3: Make sure that the name of your file corresponds to Windows' main procedures (ex. explorer.exe) to prevent viruses from getting into the file.

Measure4Malwarebytes is a program that detects malware and opens it.

You can check whether your computer still has malware problems. Malwarebytes may not be able to open in Windows at the moment.


Step 2 - Clean Install of Malwarebytes


Many users believe that Malwarebytes can fix their problem permanently if they reinstall the program from scratch. This is the best and cheapest way to fix your problem. Malwarebytes Premium Edition customers who purchased Malwarebytes Premium Edition should look into a method to recover their Activation IDs, Crucial, and Key.


Measure 1Type regedit into the search box and then click the link to open the Registry Editor. You can also press Windows key + R at the same time to launch the Run dialogue. Once the Run dialogue is launched, you can type Regedit into the search bar and then click OK.

Measure 2: Use the following registry locations to get your ID and return the Key.

You can continue the actual installation process once you have your Crucial and ID returned.

If you would like to continue using the Premium version after uninstalling it, please follow these steps. Click Deactivate. Next, go to Advanced Settings.

Measure 3: Turn off MBAM. Then, download Malwarebytes mbam-clean.exe. After closing all programs, turn off the other security tools.

Measure 4Follow the instructions on the monitor to run the mbam.exe utility. When prompted, restart your computer.

Measure 5.: Download the latest MBAM version and configure it according to the instruction on your monitor.

Measure 6: Uncheck Testing. Once the application is running, click the activation link. You can go back to the trial version in case you need it.

You should activate your license automatically. Malwarebytes Antimalware Premier is now available.

If the MBAM Premium or Professional versions are not installed, you can skip Step 3 and continue to Step 6. You will then be able to use your updated MBAM version without any errors.


Step 3 - Create a brand new user account.


Malwarebytes may not work in Windows if you use an invalid user account to log in to Windows. This issue can arise in different ways if you use other applications.

It is a good idea to create a new user profile so you can continue using all of the tools. Your user account is usually associated with private files that can be easily migrated.


Measure 1In the dialogue box, type cmd and press Enter to open the command prompt.

Measure 2Click the Add... button. Follow the instructions on the monitor. You can create a non-Microsoft account by choosing Signal without the Microsoft Account option.

Measure 3Click Next to confirm your choice. Please fill out any additional information.

Measure 4: To log in to your current account from a newly created account, you can use the command shutdown at the command prompt to create a new one.

Measure 5.Log into your account.

At this moment, it's possible to check if Malwarebytes isn't reacting.


Backup your PC with a reliable backup


There are many kinds of viruses. It is possible that you don't have antivirus software strong enough to protect your computer. However, you can still backup your data to prevent data loss due to viruses.



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