How to troubleshoot Norton error 11006?

Norton is always people's first choice for security software. Whether you need security for your Desktop PC or Android mobile; Norton provides the best features. With, you can multi-device and multi-platform security where you can secure your various devices simultaneously. You merely find any compile-time errors with Norton but some people report few runtime errors while using this antivirus. Error 11006 is one of the common errors people find using Norton antivirus.

Here are the common symptoms of Norton error 11006:
ยท       The active running program crashes and Error 11006 appears on the screen
ยท       The device starts running slowly and input devices respond lately
ยท       Multiple freezes
ยท       Norton error 11006 appears while shutting down the device.

Common causes of Norton Error 11006
ยท       You have downloaded false file
ยท       Your Norton download setup gets corrupt
ยท       Incomplete installation of Norton antivirus
ยท       You have deleted Norton program files mistakenly
ยท       Your registry files get corrupted due to Norton related changes
There can be various other reasons that can cause Norton 11006 errors. But most of the time, this error gets fixed by simple solutions. Here we have mentioned some common techniques for fixing Norton 11006 error:

Try Windows System Restore
      i.            Go to the start button
  ii.            Type System Restore in the search bar and hit the Enter button
iii.            Tap on the system restore
iv.            Enter the admin credentials
   v.            Now follow the given on-screen instruction and choose the restore point
vi.            Restore your device
vii.            Restart your computer and check whether your error gets fixed or not. If not then try other solutions.

Update your Windows
Outdated OS can create various kinds of runtime issues. You should always keep your OS updated with the latest version. Here are the steps for updating your OS:
      i.            Go to the start button
  ii.            Type update and hit the enter button
iii.            A dialog box will appear on the screen
iv.            Click on Windows update
   v.            If you see any updates then install it immediately
vi.            Now restart the device

Remove out all the junk files
Junk files can also interrupt the program files from running properly. Removing junk files like old caches, cookies, history files, and temporary files may fix this kind of errors. You can use the Windows Disk Cleanup tool for removing junk files from the device.
      i.            Click on the start menu and type command
  ii.            Hit the enter button
iii.            Hit Yes button on the dialog box
iv.            You will get a blinking cursor on the command prompt
   v.            Type cleanmgr
vi.            Press the Enter button
vii.            The disk cleanup tool will get into action and start checking all the files that can be removed from the system
viii.            You will get a dialog box with some checkbox
ix.            Click on the checkboxes you want to delete
   x.            Hit on OK button
Now restart your system to check whether your device your error gets fixed on not.
Sometimes runtime error can occur when your device gets infected from strong malware. If you are getting Norton related error then you can use inbuilt antivirus (Microsoft Security Essentials) for removing the malware. You can also try uninstalling and reinstalling Norton antivirus.


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